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finally - a killing machine

The Lord ‘ite is working well for me :) . .


Sha8doW's picture

how did you

get that report?

bottom left corner

of battlelog has your recent reports for ranked servers

Sha8doW's picture

Fair enough

I’m not really down with failbook dealie approaches!


no idea what your saying there

Tripsicle98's picture

I think shad may be

On the wrong post …

nice one

Don, must be the ite’that gives power, I’ve also noticed a rise in hack calls since I changes my name. Strange.

Sha8doW's picture

no, right place!

Battlelog, is just a ripoff of facebook… Failbook!
So i call it, Battlefaillogbook
where i dont have a proper Facebook, only one i can login to to see photos which are sent to me which i cant see without failbook ANYWAY… end Facebook rant

I dont know all the ins/outs of battle log… is all im saying

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